Dill Seeds - TheRecipe.Website

Dill Seeds

    • Spices
    • Spices

Dill Seeds are the seeds of another plant whose leaves and seeds are used in cooking. This one plant produces both a herb and a spice. The Dill Seeds have a flavour similar to caraway anise, with a touch of citrus. They are what puts the “dill” in dill pickles, and are used in many Scandinavian and Norther European baked goods. Dill is easily grown and will self-seed readily. Harvest the seed heads when they are fully formed and dark brown. Place them in a paper bag and allow to dry in a warm place. When they are dry, rub the seedheads between your hands to separate the seeds from the husks. Whole seeds will remain fresh for at least two years if stored in an airtight container.

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