Basil (Ocimum basilicum) – is also known as sweet basil and the royal herb. Its an annual which may be grown as a perennial and is a member of the mint family. It does well as on a sunny window sill. Fresh cuttings can take root in a pot of water in just a few days. It is used the world over and plays a large role in the cooking of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia.
It should be dried only as a last resort because it loses most of its flavour, but it does freeze very well. Perhaps the best way to preserve the taste of this wonderful herb is to make pesto Genovese. It is a delightful blend of fresh basil leaves with olive oil, garlic, pine nuts, and Parmesan cheese. This pesto will keep for several months refrigerated, and almost indefinitely in the freezer. A dwarf variety is considered the sweetest and mildest, and is preferred by the Genovese for making pesto.
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