

Everybody needs sustenance to exist, A human can last for weeks without food but only a few days without fluids. Drinks are essential for us to survive but the are now lots of really good ones i.e. Cocktails, Smoothies and Coffee lattes.
Whilst water is nice, we have discovered an entire world of drinks whose list is never ending. We have loaded a number of super tasty drinks for both adults and children. When you think of the number of utensils and how cheap they have become, making your own is really simple. Smoothies, milkshakes, cocktails and even a coffee with a kick are now within your reach.
There are many drinks available that the addition of a slightest drop can change the flavour of the entire drink. We have built up a library that can be made by anyone including children to enjoy.

Drinks - TheRecipe.Website

If there is a drink you enjoy that is not yet on the site then please join and load your favourites for everyone else to enjoy. Just click here to be taken to the “Join” page.

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