Pepperoni, Mushroom and Olive Pizza
A Pepperoni, Mushroom and Olive Pizza is a simple combination of both classic and bold ingredients that result in a mouth watering filling, amazingly tasty...
Marinara Sauce is a tomato sauce usually made with tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and onions. Variations include capers, olives, spices, and a dash of wine. Widely used in Italian-American cuisine, it is known as alla marinara in Italy, where it is typically made with tomatoes, basil, and oregano, but also sometimes olives, capers, and salted anchovies. It is used for spaghetti and vermicelli, but also with meat or fish. (Wikipedia)
One of the most popular recipes on this site is Marinara Sauce. We have a lot of recipes that include Marinara Sauce. Check out our Marinara Sauce section.