Beef with Peppers, Green Beans and Egg Noodles
Beef with Peppers, Green Beans and Egg Noodles manages to strike the perfect balance between comfort and vibrancy every time. It’s a meal that feels...
Stir frying is a Chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred in a wok. Stir Frying food has the benefit that you can cook anything you want an it wont take ages. You can stir fry Beef in Oyster Sauce, Pork Stir Fry Noodles, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Thai Fried Prawn and Pineapple Rice and also Vegetable Chow Mein. Utterly versatile method of cooking.
The technique originated in China and in recent centuries has spread into other parts of Asia and the West. We have a growing number of stir fry recipes just for you so please help yourselves. If we don’t have your favourites then please let us know.