Spinach and Sweetcorn Pizza is a brilliantly simple vegetarian pizza that’s full of flavour and looks fantastic. The soft cheeses go so well with the...
Easy Chocolate fudge cake, a decadent and indulgent dessert beloved by chocolate enthusiasts worldwide, embodies the epitome of sweet indulgence. With its rich cocoa flavour,...
Cheese and Bacon Croquettes are a lovely combination of crispy coating with a soft delicate inside that’s packed with flavour. To add a little heat,...
Brussel Sprout Casserole is a brilliant dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sprouts are not everyone’s favourite vegetable but roasted and covered in a cheesy sauce...
Crispy Stuffed Duck is a perfect dish for a dinner party, family dinner and occasion. The stuffing of rice, apple, scallions and sweetcorn absorbs the...
Okonomiyaki – Japanese Frittata Pancakes are beautiful examples of simple ingredients used together. This is a pancake with body. Adding cabbage, scallions/Spring onions and sliced...
Crayfish, also known as crawfish or freshwater lobsters, are a delectable seafood delicacy enjoyed in various cuisines around the world. Their sweet, succulent meat is...
Sweet Potato Mash is a lovely alternative side dish to the standard mashed potato. It also carries additional flavours superbly such as maple syrup, honey,...
Comfort Chilli is a dish that’s quick to make and rammed with amazing flavours. The main ingredients are standard but we add zucchini (aubergine) and...
Homemade Tortellini are superb little Italian parcels of pasta with a tasty filling. I have been making these for years and their attraction never grows...