Always loved cooking for my family and friends. It is the ultimate therapy for me - even before shopping. Found this site and been working my way through the recipes.
Provencal Beef Stew is a traditional French casserole that is full of flavour, aroma and body. A simple stew/casserole that never fails to impress. The...
Cherry Coffee Cake is a simple recipe that doesn’t include coffee!! It is served warm and is totally delicious. Using a few ingredients including oats,...
Chicken With Green Grapes may sound like a strange combination but they actually are brilliant partners. Serve in lettuce leaves instead of a wrap/tortilla for...
Plum pudding is a holiday staple. Baked in individual moulds, it becomes an elegant dessert. Jam packed with dried currants, raisin, apricots, almonds and spices....
Cappuccino Crinkles are quite simply gorgeous. These nibbles are a lovely alternative to the usual boring cookie. Ideal snack with coffee/tea with the double rolling...
In most towns there is a fast food chicken takeaway shop selling mass produced boring food. How about you start making your Fried Chicken Drumsticks...