Maggie’s Mushroom Risotto, a masterpiece originating from Italy, extends a warm invitation to indulge in its creamy texture and earthy flavours. This comforting dish is...
Spinach and Sweetcorn Pizza is a brilliantly simple vegetarian pizza that’s full of flavour and looks fantastic. The soft cheeses go so well with the...
Marvellous Margherita Pizza is a such a simple vegetarian concept but with quality ingredients has amazing flavour and is always in demand. The combination of...
Cheese and Bacon Croquettes are a lovely combination of crispy coating with a soft delicate inside that’s packed with flavour. To add a little heat,...
Brussel Sprout Casserole is a brilliant dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sprouts are not everyone’s favourite vegetable but roasted and covered in a cheesy sauce...
Crispy Stuffed Duck is a perfect dish for a dinner party, family dinner and occasion. The stuffing of rice, apple, scallions and sweetcorn absorbs the...
Pork lumpia, a beloved Filipino dish, embodies the perfect balance of savoury flavours and crispy textures. These delights are a staple in Filipino cuisine. This...
Mexican Tacos al Pastor is a beautiful mixture of marinated pork with salsa, onion, pineapple wrapped in a taco. The achiote paste provides a lovely...
Salmon and Prawn Tagliatelle is a beautiful example of how simple ingredients combined correctly creates a magnificent main dish. The salmon is the centrepiece of...
Comfort Chilli is a dish that’s quick to make and rammed with amazing flavours. The main ingredients are standard but we add zucchini (aubergine) and...