Thai cuisine is renowned for its balance of bold flavours, fresh ingredients, and artful simplicity. One such dish that captures this essence is Thai Cod...
In the world of gastronomy, few ingredients command attention quite like a Hot Chilli Sauce. These fiery elixirs, crafted from a variety of chilli peppers...
Comfort Chilli is a dish that’s quick to make and rammed with amazing flavours. The main ingredients are standard but we add zucchini (aubergine) and...
Shrimp Tacos with Chipotle Chillies is a beautiful combination of Shrimp, bacon and chipotle peppers. This simple Mexican dish is easy and fast to produce...
Mussels with Tomato and Chilli is a slight adaption on the classic Moules Mariniere. Using tomatoes adds another lovely flavour and texture to the traditional...
Vegetable Chilli is a lovely variation of a traditional chilli. Using onions, red pepper, courgettes, mushrooms and carrots for body, texture and amazing flavour. I...
Chiles/Chillies – must be the most valuable contribution by the New World to world cuisine. Chiles get their “heat” from a compound called capsaicin which...
Zucchini Chilli is a lovely vegetarian alternative to the beef chilli. The zucchini/courgette adds so much body and flavour to this dish you will be...
Ecuadorian ceviche is a celebrated dish and a staple of Ecuadorian cuisine, enjoyed in bustling seaside markets, charming family homes, and high-end restaurants alike. What...
Japanese gyoza, or dumplings, have become a global favourite, captivating food enthusiasts with their crispy exterior and juicy, flavourful interior. Inspired by Chinese jiaozi, gyoza...
Japanese cuisine is renowned for its ability to combine simplicity with bold flavours, and Vegetable Donburi is no exception. This delightful dish brings together fresh...
Vada Dahi Sambal is a beloved dish that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Indian street food. A medley of textures and flavours, it combines crispy...
Thereās something inherently comforting about homemade meatballs, especially when paired with golden, pan-fried herb potatoes and the spicy kick of whole chillies. This trio forms...
Spicy shrimp is a vibrant dish that combines the fresh, briny sweetness of shrimp with bold, spicy flavours, creating an irresistible blend that delights the...
Vietnamese Fried Shrimp, or ātĆ“m chiĆŖn,ā is a beloved dish that captures the essence of Vietnamese cuisine with its fresh, vibrant flavours and crunchy texture....