Baked Sea Bream with Lime is a beautiful recipe where simple ingredients combine to create a delicate dish of perfect flavours. The combination of the...
Spinach and Sweetcorn Pizza is a brilliantly simple vegetarian pizza that’s full of flavour and looks fantastic. The soft cheeses go so well with the...
Cheese and Bacon Croquettes are a lovely combination of crispy coating with a soft delicate inside that’s packed with flavour. To add a little heat,...
Okonomiyaki – Japanese Frittata Pancakes are beautiful examples of simple ingredients used together. This is a pancake with body. Adding cabbage, scallions/Spring onions and sliced...
Pork lumpia, a beloved Filipino dish, embodies the perfect balance of savoury flavours and crispy textures. These delights are a staple in Filipino cuisine. This...
Crayfish, also known as crawfish or freshwater lobsters, are a delectable seafood delicacy enjoyed in various cuisines around the world. Their sweet, succulent meat is...
Mexican Tacos al Pastor is a beautiful mixture of marinated pork with salsa, onion, pineapple wrapped in a taco. The achiote paste provides a lovely...
Salmon and Prawn Tagliatelle is a beautiful example of how simple ingredients combined correctly creates a magnificent main dish. The salmon is the centrepiece of...
Honey Baked Camembert is a beautiful starter, appetiser, canape, and glorious snack. The soft gooey cheese with its beautiful flavour baked in honey and chilli...
Sweet Potato Chips/Crisps are a delicious relatively healthy version compared to the mass produced. Best of all, you can adapt the chips/crisps according to your...
Chicken Fajita Filling is a combination of flavours, colours, spices and aromas that are perfect companions. The seasoning of cumin, paprika, garlic and chilli powder...