Muesli Pancakes with Summer Berry Compote is a refreshing filling breakfast and brunch recipe. Using muesli as an ingredient in the pancakes give body while...
Bean Dip – Hummus is an outstanding Middle Eastern dip. It’s made from chickpeas and a few other simple ingredients (lemon, tahini, garlic, olive oil)....
Slap Up Pork Sausage Breakfast is a superb way to start the day. A full breakfast that’s includes Sausage, Eggs, Bacon, Bread, mushrooms and tomatoes...
Breakfast Omelette is in effect a fried breakfast but better. This recipe is bursting with texture, flavour and full of goodness to avoid mid morning snacking....
The alternative ultimate breakfast. Smoked Haddock on Toasted Cheese is a delicious combination. The soft haddock with melted cheese and runny poached eggs is a...
Homemade Tomato Sauce is a fundamental recipe that every cook should know. This recipe can be added to Quick Meatballs, Oriental Meatballs and a large number of...
Pigs in Blankets are simply crispy streaky bacon wrapped around chipolatas make these a superb side-dish and canapé. However a full on roast meal is...
Indian Cauliflower with Scallions is an amazing Indian recipe that adds colour, flavour and aroma to any menu. Even if you don’t like cauliflower, you...
Mini Marmalade & Poppy Seed Loaves are a delicate little snack that everybody loves. These are ideal for breakfast/brunch, in a snack, picnic or lunchboxes....
Zucchini Salad – Ensalada de Calabacitas is a very tasty Mexican salad made from cooked zucchini/courgette. The flavour and texture compliments the scallions/spring onions and...
Philippine Stuffed Eggplant Rellenong Talong is also known as eggplant omelette. It is a Philippine recipe made by pan-frying boiled eggplants dipped in an egg...