Prawn and Spinach Biryani is a simple incredibly tasty vegetarian dish that is ready within 30 minutes. The combination of the Tiger Prawns, spinach and...
Smoked Wiltshire Cured Bacon Brunch Bread is a superb British recipe that incorporates bread, bacon, eggs and tomatoes in a single dish. The recipe calls...
This Spicy Tomato Chutney recipe that provides sandwiches with a kick, curries with a side dish and taste buds a smack. Seriously though, this simple...
Chicken Enchilada Casserole is a lovely collaboration of chicken, tortillas and chillies. This has to be one of my top ten recipes. Chicken Enchilada Casserole is...
Chicken Cacciatore refers to a Italian meal prepared “hunter-style” with onions, herbs, usually tomatoes, bell peppers, and sometimes wine. A favourite is chicken but also...
Aloo Gobi is a simple recipe of cauliflower and potatoes in delicious spices. This makes an excellent side dish to any Indian meal. Excellent Vegetarian...
Simple Ratatouille version is an old French classic of ratatouille. This recipe works very well with meat dishes but also as a vegetarian dish. Suitable...
Rabbit Curry is one of my favourite curry recipes. The impressive firm meat carries the mix of herbs and spices and absorbs without being overpowered....
Vegetarian Vegetable Curry is a delight for vegetarians and non vegetarians alike. The simple flavours and body of the vegetables make this recipe a meal...
Lamb Curry J’s Special is a variation of the dish that originated during the British Raj colonial-era. Whilst less popular than chicken or seafood, this is...
Bo Luc Lac, also known as “shaking beef,” is a beloved Vietnamese dish that delights the palate with its tender marinated beef, vibrant vegetables, and...
This delicious breakfast bruschetta is perfect for sharing at weekends with friends or family. It’s high in protein, so can keep you feeling full for...