Moroccan Style Chicken Stew combines the flavours of Morocco in a single dish. This simple recipe combines chicken with both vegetables and fruit to create...
Chicken with Browned Garlic Sauce is a perfectly flavoured main dish. The garlic and chilli flakes work together to flavour without overpowering. This is a...
Lamb and Eggplant Casserole is similar to a Moussaka without the fussy part of making layers. This simple casserole has amazing flavour and an aroma...
Penne all’Arrabbiata is a stunning Italian dish that has few ingredients but when combined create a superb main dish. I use this vegetarian recipe when...
Pastitsio, often hailed as the Greek version of lasagna, is a hearty and indulgent baked pasta dish that embodies the essence of Mediterranean comfort food....
Moussaka is a quintessential dish that captures the essence of Greek cuisine. This beloved casserole is known for its harmonious layers of flavour, combining tender...
Zucchini Chilli is a lovely vegetarian alternative to the beef chilli. The zucchini/courgette adds so much body and flavour to this dish you will be...
Eggplant Parmigiana and Macaroni is a lovely vegetarian dish full of colour and flavour. The eggplant/aubergine adds body to the dish without being heavy while...
Provencal Beef Stew is a traditional French casserole that is full of flavour, aroma and body. A simple stew/casserole that never fails to impress. The...
Southwestern Marinara Sauce is a simple sauce that packs taste, flavour, texture and aromas to any pasta dish. Serve with meatballs for a superb meal....
Marinated Chicken Kebabs/kabobs is an easy way to prepare and cook chicken kebabs. Creating a simple marinade the day before and leaving the chicken to...
South of the Border Chicken Cacciatore is a divine recipe that produces a thick sauce full of flavour and texture. Furthermore in culinary terms, alla...