Sausages with Mash and Onion Gravy is one of my favourite recipes. Thick onion gravy with soft mash potato and perfectly cooked Cumberland Sausages is...
Krautwickel is a lovely German dish using beef, pork and cabbage with lovely soft mushrooms. The dish involves braising the cabbage roll and then using...
Simple Chocolate Chip Cookies are a firm favourite in most households. Using this recipe, you can produce batches of them time after time. I normally...
Popovers and blue cheese are naturals in their own right with beef. However, when combined into one, the results are Roquefort Popovers and are incredible....
Anyone reading the heading Brunch Packed Omelette will start licking their lips. The ingredients give a hint to the amazing flavours to follow especially in...
Roast Turkey Tenderloins with Kiwi Slaw is a lovely recipe that always works with its flavour, textures and aroma. A simple Turkey recipe that works...
In the world of preserves, there’s a gem that often gets overlooked – the delightful cherry chutney. Bursting with the sweetness of cherries, the earthiness...
Meatloaves with Mushroom Sauce is so simple to cook but amazingly tasty. This simple American recipe combine two great ingredients – ground beef and Mushrooms...
Beef Burgundy is a classic variation of the French recipe Beef Bourguignon. The flavour, aroma and appearance makes this a home warming dish that all...
Chutney Toast with Scrambled Egg is a superb recipe for combining several recipes in one go. I use Tomato Chutney in this recipe. However, Honey Mango...
Prawn and Spinach Biryani is a simple incredibly tasty vegetarian dish that is ready within 30 minutes. The combination of the Tiger Prawns, spinach and...
Let’s talk about the ultimate savoury delight: the bacon cheddar and chive muffin. Imagine sinking your teeth into a warm, fluffy muffin bursting with cheesy...