The zing of cranberries and the hearty crunch of walnuts are a classic New England combination. Cranberry Nut muffins are excellent warm for breakfast. I...
Pumpkin Strudel is an excellent American dessert that has a warming and welcoming aroma. Once you discover this, it will become a popular dessert as...
Spicy Chicken Tortilla Casserole is what I call a Mexican Lasagna. It is spicy chicken with sautéed vegetables and salsa that gets layered between corn...
Chicken Enchilada Casserole is a lovely collaboration of chicken, tortillas and chillies. This has to be one of my top ten recipes. Chicken Enchilada Casserole is...
Chicken Cacciatore refers to a Italian meal prepared “hunter-style” with onions, herbs, usually tomatoes, bell peppers, and sometimes wine. A favourite is chicken but also...
Who doesn’t love marshmallows? In a hot chocolate, over a bonfire, as a treat are all lovely ways to consume marshmallows. These are remarkably simple...
Bo Luc Lac, also known as “shaking beef,” is a beloved Vietnamese dish that delights the palate with its tender marinated beef, vibrant vegetables, and...
Smoked haddock with eggs en cocotte is a recipe that sounds complicated, looks complicated but is remarkably simple. The “eggs en cocotte” in French means...
Sweet potatoes are renowned for their natural sweetness and versatility and this dish is a savory twist on a classic favorite. While many enjoy them...