Breakfast Bagels with 3 Toppings is a simple idea that works for everyone. The choices are Avocado and Marmite, Cottage Cheese and Marmalade and Peanut...
Homemade Sriracha is a lovely chilli sauce made up of vinegar, red jalapenos, garlic, sugar and salt. Surprisingly despite its fiery sounding name it is...
Beef in Oyster Sauce is a dish that typifies how perfect savoury flavours and tender textures can be. Hailing from Chinese culinary traditions, this stir-fry...
Oatcakes and Scrambled Eggs is a beautiful dish start the day. Homemade oatcakes and soft delicate scrambled eggs topped with chives creates an amazing dish....
Sausage Breakfast Wrap is not the healthiest option for breakfast/brunch but it is one of the tastiest. Consisting of only four ingredients, sausages, bacon, tortillas...
Mole Poblano is a lovely thick chocolate based Mexican sauce and is a classic Mole version. Its ingredients include chocolate, chilies, coriander and sesame seeds...
Turkey Stock is a wonderful alternative to the traditional chicken stock. At times like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter we have lots of turkey but normally...
Canapés are a type of hors d’œuvre, a small, prepared and usually decorative food. They often consist of a small piece of bread (sometimes toasted),...
Starters, Appetizers and Entrees tend to be smaller portions of a larger dish and often involve cold recipes (prawns, gazpacho, salmon etc.). Depending on where...
A Side Dish is an accompaniment of a main course and often consists of vegetables. In addition, they used to bolster the protein (meat/fish) served....
A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavouring, colouring or preserving food. They are distinguished from herbs,...