Chicken Parmigiana is one of my favourite Italian recipes. The combination of chicken breasts with mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese in a coating of bread...
Chicken satay is a dish that encapsulates the vibrant flavours and culinary traditions of Southeast Asia, offering a tantalizing fusion of savoury, sweet, and spicy...
Hungarian Goulash is a stew of meat and vegetables, seasoned with paprika and other spices. Originating from the medieval Hungary, goulash is a popular meal...
Spanish Shellfish Stew – Zarzuela de Mariscos is an excellent seafood recipe from the Catalan coast of northeast Spain. The word Zarzuela is defined as a...
Spicy Scallops and Peppers are a surprising but elegant combination. The soft perfectly cooked scallops with the mild red and green bell peppers compliment each...
A piece of South Pacific perfection. Chicken Tahitian is a perfect combination of chicken and succulent fruits such as pineapple, papaya and mango. This sweet...
Chinese Egg Rolls are simply a delight to eat. The pork, bean sprouts and shrimp wrapped inside egg roll wrappers provide textures that will captivate...
Meatloaves with Mushroom Sauce is so simple to cook but amazingly tasty. This simple American recipe combine two great ingredients – ground beef and Mushrooms...
This Walnut Sauce is a simple Italian recipe combining clean ingredients to create the perfect sauce. The blended combination of the ricotta with the garlic,...