Lamb Curry J’s Special is a variation of the dish that originated during the British Raj colonial-era. Whilst less popular than chicken or seafood, this is...
Vegetable Chow Mein is a perfect filling vegetarian recipe. Nothing but goodness from the Chinese Orient. I use 9 vegetables in this recipes but you...
Ls Burger are a perfect example of simple ingredients being used properly. This recipe creates a divine burger that will rival any fast food outlet....
Homemade Tomato Sauce is a fundamental recipe that every cook should know. This recipe can be added to Quick Meatballs, Oriental Meatballs and a large number of...
Beef in Oyster Sauce is a dish that typifies how perfect savoury flavours and tender textures can be. Hailing from Chinese culinary traditions, this stir-fry...
A Sour Bamboo Shoot Curry is an outstanding combination of flavours. A tasty Thai red curry paste with bamboo shoots and fish sauce strangely creates...
A simple recipe that produces a starter, canape/appetiser, side-dish that will make people queue up straight again. Stuffed Chiles – Chiles Rellenos are superb nibble...
Zucchini Salad – Ensalada de Calabacitas is a very tasty Mexican salad made from cooked zucchini/courgette. The flavour and texture compliments the scallions/spring onions and...
Wasabi: The Fiery Green Kick Wasabi, often called “Japanese horseradish,” is a spice that packs a punch. With its signature heat and unique flavour, it’s...
Szechwan pepper, also known as Sichuan pepper or Chinese prickly ash, isn’t your typical peppercorn. With its tongue-tingling sensation and citrusy aroma, this spice is...
Sausage Breakfast Wrap is not the healthiest option for breakfast/brunch but it is one of the tastiest. Consisting of only four ingredients, sausages, bacon, tortillas...