Beef Bourguignon Fettuccine is an old classic that always taste so good. Served with fettuccine for a warming hearty meal. The mixture of French cuisine...
Vegetable Chow Mein is a perfect filling vegetarian recipe. Nothing but goodness from the Chinese Orient. I use 9 vegetables in this recipes but you...
There’s something undeniably comforting about the aroma of cinnamon wafting through the kitchen, especially when it accompanies the promise of a delicious breakfast. In the...
Chinese Shrimp Dumplings – Shiu Mai are delicate mouthfuls of flavour. the wonton wrappers are thin enough to see the contents making the anticipation even...
Spaghetti alla Norma is a pasta dish originally from Catania, Italy. The combination of tomatoes, aubergine (eggplant), mozzarella and basil create a lovely body to...
Pasta e fagioli, meaning “pasta and beans”, is a traditional Italian dish. The simplicity of the recipe produces amazing flavours and a warmth that is...
Avocado Sandwiches may sound strange but they are absolutely gorgeous. Served with crispy bacon and tomatoes for a delightful snack. This recipe is enough to...
A Blini is a simple Russian pancake that is an excellent basis of starters and canapes. Blinis are smaller than normal American pancakes. Best served...
Eggplant Parmigiana and Macaroni is a lovely vegetarian dish full of colour and flavour. The eggplant/aubergine adds body to the dish without being heavy while...
Hawaiian Isle Sorbet is a very simple but attractive dessert or snack that always works. My grandchildren love making this and the variations are numerous....