Vegetable Chow Mein is a perfect filling vegetarian recipe. Nothing but goodness from the Chinese Orient. I use 9 vegetables in this recipes but you...
Fruit Salsa is a deliciously refreshing combination of fruit and salad vegetables. The crunch of the cucumber, freshness of the tomatoes and the sweetness of...
Slap Up Pork Sausage Breakfast is a superb way to start the day. A full breakfast that’s includes Sausage, Eggs, Bacon, Bread, mushrooms and tomatoes...
Breakfast Omelette is in effect a fried breakfast but better. This recipe is bursting with texture, flavour and full of goodness to avoid mid morning snacking....
The alternative ultimate breakfast. Smoked Haddock on Toasted Cheese is a delicious combination. The soft haddock with melted cheese and runny poached eggs is a...
Homemade Tomato Sauce is a fundamental recipe that every cook should know. This recipe can be added to Quick Meatballs, Oriental Meatballs and a large number of...
Leftover Turkey Jambalaya is one of my favourite dishes. The combination of leftovers creates amazing flavours easily especially as the cooking part has already been...
A simple recipe that produces a starter, canape/appetiser, side-dish that will make people queue up straight again. Stuffed Chiles – Chiles Rellenos are superb nibble...
Macaroni and Cheese with attitude. I include cayenne pepper and a grating of nutmeg for that additional warmth and depth more mustard couldn’t achieve. The...
Vegetable Chilli is a lovely variation of a traditional chilli. Using onions, red pepper, courgettes, mushrooms and carrots for body, texture and amazing flavour. I...
Shrimp Remoulade is simply amazing dish that blends mayonnaise with herbs, capers, spices and pickles. This is a New Orleans version as I love to include...
Mountain pepper is a spice that brings the flavours of the Australian wilderness into the kitchen. Known for its distinctive, peppery heat and complex, aromatic...
Spaghetti alla Norma is a pasta dish originally from Catania, Italy. The combination of tomatoes, aubergine (eggplant), mozzarella and basil create a lovely body to...