Rigatoni with Sausage and Peppers is a lovely filling recipe. The combination of sausage, peppers with rigatoni creates such a dish of flavours and textures....
Chilean Salad – Ensalada Chilena is a superbly simple promoting the amazing flavour of tomatoes. It is flattered with herbs, onion and a jalapeno chilli,...
Blueberry Blintzes are one of my favourite breakfast/brunch and desserts. The golden brown delicate blintzes filled with a ricotta or cottage cheese filling are a...
Ham, Potato and Leek Casserole is a simple recipe that is filling, smells superb and looks appealing. The three main requirements of an excellant main...
Chicken Breasts with Artichoke Hearts are a perfect marriage. The blend of flavours between the moist chicken, white wine, stock, herbs and the yoghurt are...
Sand Tarts are a simple American recipe for cookies which include pecan nuts. These are, with the exception for those with nut allergies, divine morsels....
Frosty Citrus Refresher is superb on a warm balmy evening. The cocktail of fruit juices compliment each other and then chilled with crushed ice makes...
A Citrus Salad is ideal for brunches, snacks and side dishes. The lettuce and fruit salad has a lightly sweetened mint-lemon vinaigrette. Serve with chicken...
Parmesan Triangles are a divine snack that are quick to produce and always popular. Try these crispy Parmesan Triangles the next time your friends drop...
Cranberry Muffins are my personal favourite especially as they are so easy to make. The children always appear as these muffins are removed from the...
Italian Potato Salad is a lovely easy recipe that results in an alternative to the usual high calorized version. Suitable for diabetics. Gorgeous with cold...
An amazingly simple recipe that involves 2 ingredients but is so refreshing. Sparkling Peach Spritzer combines peach juice with club soda for a drink that...
Southwestern Jalapeno Cornbread Dressing is an excellent dish that is suitable with most roast meals. Normally used as a side dish. However, I have actually...