Pasta with Walnut Sauce is a simple Italian recipe combining clean ingredients to create the perfect sauce. The blended combination of the ricotta with the...
The Spanish Andalusian Salad, or Ensalada Andaluza, is a delightful medley of fresh and vibrant ingredients that celebrate the flavors of the sunny Andalusian region....
A Spinach Casserole is a wonderful vegetarian dish that is full of flavour and texture. Adding little extra like nutmeg and water chestnuts takes this...
Pasta e fagioli, meaning “pasta and beans”, is a traditional Italian dish. The simplicity of the recipe produces amazing flavours and a warmth that is...
When most people think of Italian cuisine, they think of two dishes; Spaghetti Bolognese and Lasagna. This sauce, Italian Bologna Style Meat Sauce – Ragu Bolognese...
Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes are a superb side dish especially when you have leftover meat or poultry. The soft slow cooked potatoes with a creamy cheddar...
These Jalapeño Grits are an example of simple ingredients put in the correct quantities and treated properly create amazing dishes. Add jalapeño chillies to the...