Avocado and Goat Cheese Sandwiches is a favourite sandwich when the kids aren’t around. The soft goats cheese with the creamy avocado and ripe tomatoes...
These Jalapeño Grits are an example of simple ingredients put in the correct quantities and treated properly create amazing dishes. Add jalapeño chillies to the...
Granola is a Swiss breakfast food and snack food consisting of rolled oats, nuts, honey, brown sugar, and sometimes puffed rice. It is usually baked...
Chicken with Chickpeas and Almonds is a beautifully flavoured dish that is ready within 45 minutes. The smoothness of the almonds blends easily with the...
Beignets are divine deep fried choux pastries that become highly addicted. They are easy to make and very popular as desserts and snacks. In France,...
Lamb and Eggplant Casserole is similar to a Moussaka without the fussy part of making layers. This simple casserole has amazing flavour and an aroma...
Eggplant Parmesan is a scrumptious vegetarian of the Italian classic chicken parmesan. Using eggplant or aubergine coated in herbed breadcrumbs creates a lovely texture which...
Gingered Chinese Noodle Soup is a dish that’s packed with oriental flavours and textures. The soft noodles with the slightly crunchy vegetables backed by the...